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How do I start?

It is greatly recommended for every new

customer to start with a LipSense Starter Kit,

which costs $50 and includes:


                    LipSense (color of your choice)

                    Glossy Gloss (to seal the color)

                    Ooops! Remover (for removal)


LipSense by SeneGence is a long-lasting, liquid lip color that molecularly bonds to your lip.


It is used with a permeable shea gloss which

keeps your lips hydrated while you wear your color.


When sealed with the gloss, LipSense is absolutely water-proof and will not budge for up to 18 hours!


Choose from 36 different shades, or combine colors to create your own!

What is LipSense?

LipSense is made in the U.S. with the highest integrity of ingredients from around the world:

True, natural pigments, natural botanicals,

raw shea Butter, and simulated bee's wax.


LipSense is also cruelty-free, as well as free of lead, wax, gluten, and is NON-GMO and Kosher!​

What's in it?

Why Glossy Gloss?

Without a LipSense Moisturizing Gloss, your LipSense color will not work as intended. Without it, your lips will feel dry and sticky, and your color won't last nearly as long.


If you wear a different brand of gloss over your color, the wax in that product will begin to break down your beautiful LipSense color!


Although LipSense has a variety of tinted glosses to choose from, Glossy Gloss is recommended as each new customer's first gloss because it is the most moisturizing.


Learn more about Glossy Gloss and the other tinted glosses here.

Imagine your busiest morning.

Get up, brush teeth, take shower, do hair,

do makeup... the list goes on.


Then you grab a freshly poured cup of coffee and finally have a moment to yourself.


You take a sip and glance at your cup..

There goes your lipstick.


Now imagine a morning when LipSense is part of your daily routine. At that moment, you're not worrying about your lipstick! You're just enjoying a break amidst the hustle and bustle of the morning.

What's the big deal?

So now the only question is... which color?


Head over to the LipSense Colors page to browse the many colors available.


When you've picked your favorite, go to the How to Order page to order!


Welcome to the family!






Ready to ditch your

old lip routine?

Be the best YOU you can be.

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